DHTML Tab Menu, (c)2004 Apycom

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DHTML Tab Menu Home

How To Setup



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               Apycom Software


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Parameters Info

var bblankImage = "img/blank.gif"; Path to blank image (transparent gif, size: 1x1).
var bmenuWidth = 300; Total width of all tabs (% or px). If "" or 0 - sets automatically. Recommended to set an exact value.
var bmenuHeight = 25; Height of top tabs (% or px). If "" or 0 - sets automatically. Recommended to set an exact value.
var bmenuOrientation = 0; Reserved. Always sets to 0.
var babsolute = 1; 0 - relative tabs position; 1 - absolute tabs position.
var bleft = 120; Tabs X coord. Used if babsolute = 1;
var btop = 120; Tabs Y coord. Used if babsolute = 1;
var bfloatable = 0; 0 - tabs are fixed; 1 - tabs are floatable (used if babsolute = 1).
var bfloatIterations = 6; Tabs floatable speed. Less value - more speed. Used if bfloatable = 1.
var bmenuBackColor = "#FFFFFF"; Background color of tabs region. If "" - background is transparent.
var bmenuBorderWidth = 0; Border width of tabs region.
var bmenuBorderColor = "#000000"; Border color of tabs region. The values such as "#FFFFFF #FFFFFF #000000 #000000" - will determine the color of each border side.
var bmenuBorderStyle = "solid"; Border style of tabs region. Values: "none", "solid", "dotted", "dashed", "double", "ridge", "groove", "inset", "outset".
var bmenuBackImage = "img/back.gif"; Background image of tabs region.
var bbeforeItemSpace = 10; Space before tab text.
var bafterItemSpace = 10; Space after tab text.
var bbeforeItemImage = ["img/image1.gif","img/image2.gif","img/image3.gif"] Tabs left-side image: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state.
var bbeforeItemImageW = 12; Width of left-side image. Recommended to set an exact value.
var bbeforeItemImageH = 22; Height of left-side image. Recommended to set an exact value.
var bafterItemImage = ["img/image1.gif","img/image2.gif","img/image3.gif"] Tabs right-side image: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state.
var bafterItemImageW = 12; Width of right-side image. Recommended to set an exact value.
var bafterItemImageH = 22; Height of right-side image. Recommended to set an exact value.
var bfontStyle = ["bold 8pt Tahoma","",""]; Tabs font: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state. Also sets style and height of font.
Recommended to use equal values for all states.
If 2nd and 3rd values are empty - 1st value will be used for all states.
var bfontColor = ["#ffffff","#ffffff","#000000"]; Tabs font color: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state.
var bfontDecoration = ["none","underline","none"]; Tabs font decoration: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state. Values: none, underline.
var bitemBorderWidth = 0; Tab border width.
var bitemBorderColor = ["#ffffff","#000000", "#ffffff"]; Tab border color: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state.
var bitemBorderStyle = ["solid","dotted","solid"]; Tab border style: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state.
var bitemBackColor = ["#24B327","#83D83D","#B79A15"]; Tab background color: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state.
var bitemBackImage = ["img/img1.gif","img/img2.gif","img/img3.gif",]; Tab background image: normal state, mouse over state, selected tab state.
var bitemAlign = "center"; Tab text alignment.
var bitemCursor = "pointer"; Tab cursor. Values: "auto", "crosshair", "default", "hand", "move", "text", "wait", "help".
var bitemTarget = "_blank"; Default target for all items ("_self","_blank","_parent","_top",...). If equal to "" - defined as "_self".
var bitemSpacing = 0; Space between tabs.
var bitemPadding = 4; Space between tab border and tab text.
var browSpace = 0; Space between tab rows.
var biconAlign = "left"; Tab icon alignment: "left" or "right".
var biconWidth = 16; Tab icon width. Recommended to set an exact value.
var biconHeight = 16; Tab icon height. Recommended to set an exact value.
var bseparatorWidth = 7; Separator item width. This item used as a space between groups of tabs.
Separator is item with "-" text.
var btransition = 24; Transition effect: 0..39. See transition effects info.
var btransDuration = 300; Duration of transition effect in ms.
var btransOptions = "..."; Additional options for transition effects with numbers 25..39. See transition effects info.
var bselectedItem = 0; Selected tab index by default. Index is an tab number in bmenuItems array.
Must be >= 0;
var bselectedSmItem = 3; Selected subtab index by default. Index is an tab number in bmenuItems array.
Must be >= 0;
var bsmHeight = 16; Height of subtabs tabs (% or px). If "" or 0 - sets automatically. Recommended to set an exact value.
var bsmBackColor = "#AA0000"; Background color of subtabs region. If "" - background is transparent.
var bsmBorderWidth = 0; Border width of subtabs region.
var bsmBorderColor = "#AA0000"; Border color of subtabs region. The values such as "#FFFFFF #FFFFFF #000000 #000000" - will determine the color of each border side.
var bsmBorderStyle = ""; Border style of subtabs region. Values: "none", "solid", "dotted", "dashed", "double", "ridge", "groove", "inset", "outset".
var bsmBorderBottomDraw = 1; 0 - subtabs bottom border isn't displayed.
var bsmItemAlign = "center valign=top"; Subtabs text alignment.
var bsmItemSpacing = 0; Space between subtabs.
var bsmItemPadding = 0; Space between subtabs border and subtabs text.
var bmenuItems = [[..]];

    [item_text, object_to_show, normal_icon, mouseover_icon, selected_icon, tooltip, item_style]


var bmenuItems = [
    ["Home","link","icon.gif","iconover.gif","iconselected.gif","Home Tip","target","item_style"],

  • item_label:
       Separator is "-";
       Full image-based item contained icon only must has item_label = "".
  • item_style
       You can use individual styles for tabs.
       item_style is the index of required style within style array, defined in bitemStyles variable, example:

    var bitemStyles = [
        ["bfontStyle=normal 9pt Tahoma","bitemBackColor=#AA0000,#AAAA00,#000000"],

    Available parameters for individual item style are:

    bfontStyle = style1,style2,style3
    bfontColor = color1,color2,color3
    bfontDecoration = decor1,decor2,decor3
    bitemBackColor = color1,color2,color3
    bitemBorderColor = color1,color2,color3
    bitemBorderWidth = width1,width2,width3
    bitemBorderStyle = style1,style2,style3
    bitemBackImage = img1,img2,img3
    bitemWidth = number
    biconW = number
    biconH = number
    bbeforeItemImage = img1,img2,img3
    bafterItemImage = img1,img2,img3

    There is also one more individual parameter:

    bitemBackImageSpec = "normal-normal,normal-over,normal-selected,over-normal,over-selected,selected-normal,selected-over".

    Where: normal-normal, normal-over, ... - are images for different double-states.
    This individual parameter is used when you want tabs to look more impressive.

    For example, following items use this parameter to make a brind-to-front effect:

    To achieve this effect tabs use the following structure:

    Item1 separator Item2 separator Item3 separator Item4

    Each separator has 7 states:


    and uses the following syntax:


    Where "0" - is an individual style number that includes bitemBackImageSpec property with names of 7 images.

How to Setup

Apycom DHTML Tab Menu comes with two files that can be found in the "js/" subdirectory in this download:

    apytabmenu.js - tab menu engine and
    data.js - data file with tab menu parameters (this file may be renamed, but must include the '.js' extension).

Place these files to any folder of your html project and add a reference to the files within your HTML page.
You can use both absolute and relative coordinates to position the tab menu.

  • Relative position
    Paste the following code into the <head> tag.

    <!-- Apycom DHTML Tab Menu -->
    <noscript><a href=http://dhtml-menu.com/>DHTML Tab Menu, (c)2004 Apycom</a></noscript>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="
    <!-- Apycom DHTML Tab Menu, dhtml-menu.com -->

    and paste the following code within your html page in a position you want the tab menu to appear:

    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="yourdir/data.js"></script>

    for example into a table cell:

        <td><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="yourdir/data.js"></script></td>

  • Absolute position
    Paste the following code into the <head> tag.

    <!-- Apycom DHTML Tab Menu -->
    <noscript><a href=http://dhtml-menu.com/>DHTML Tab Menu, (c)2004 Apycom</a></noscript>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="
    <!-- Apycom DHTML Tab Menu, dhtml-menu.com -->

    and set coordinates of top-left menu corner in the data file, example:

    var babsolute=1;
    var bleft=100;
    var btop=150;


This trial version of Apycom DHTML Tab Menu may be used for evaluation purposes only for a period of 30 days.
Evaluation use includes the review and or customization of the software on one local computer. This software may not be placed on the internet or a local intranet site for viewing and or use by multiple persons.
The purchased version includes a license to place the software on publicly accessible web pages and does not display the trial version reminder.
Also you can purchase the Java source code of the software. For more information see order page and License Agreement.

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